The organization of DAOL Investment Management reflects the systematic division of responsibilities for the benefit of Check and Balance by clearly defining missions, strategies, policies, guidelines, and plans in accordance with the principles of Fiduciary Duties and good corporate governance principles to build confidence in investors that the company manages investment with Duty of loyalty and Duty of Care, especially considering of putting the investor first. Therefore, the company has set up measures to prevent conflicts of interest between the fund investors and the company. There is a standard for information disclosure, which provides investors with advice and knowledge to help them make investment decisions. There is a process of acquaintance and investigation to find out more about all investors before starting commencing a business relationship called Know your customer/ customer due diligence as well as educate and supervise sales representations to ensure they follow relevant guidelines or product governance and fair dealing. However, in order to maintain our business operations, we came up with a plan to deal with any incident that may disrupt its operations, including the establishment of standardized IT Governance & Cyber Security.
87/2 CRC Tower Building Floor 52 All Seasons Place