DAOL-GEQUITY. All investors have the opportunity to invest abroad, with a small cost and a big opportunity.
Long Term Global Growth Fund DAOL-GEQUITY with Fundsmith Equity Fund investment policy invest in leading asset, is Foreign Equity Fund that is diversified to invest in many countries such as the United States, France, Denmark and etc.
DAOL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT is going to invest in stocks with strong fundamentals such as Microsoft (Technology) Estée Lauder (Consumer Staples) และ Novo Nordisk (Healthcare) that will make investments able to generate opportunities for long-term returns.
DAOL-GEQUITY focuses on investing in Fundsmith Equity Fund (MASTER Fund) Class T (Accumulation) without dividend payment policy in Pounds Stering. The fund invests in this single fund for at least 80% of the net asset value. The master fund is long-term focused fund investing in high-quality global equities without active short-term trading.
DAOL-GEQUITY ‘s policy focuses on long-term investment. Then, it is appropriate with an investor who invests in medium to long term.
An investor who is interested in investing in DAOL-GEQUITY must be able to bear with volatility ‘s asset value that may increase or decrease until it’s lower than the invested value and there’s a chance to make a loss.
According to this fund, it’s the foreign mutual fund, Therefore, there may be investment diversification from around the world. Investors should understand and accept the exchange rate risk of master funds and always find fund factsheet.
Get the opportunity to make a profit from Global Equity Fund - DAOL-GEQUITY. Along with long-term accumulating the capital through the master fund investing in high-quality equity. Now available with DAOL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT
DAOL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT consists of high-experienced specialty in investment willing to look after your portfolio. Get ready to leap to the investment ground easily by online account opening required no physical form. Now trading on Streaming Fund+
If interested, ask for details to understand the conditions of the investment with the fund factsheet. For details of opening an online account through the website. Contact customer service 02 351 1800 ext. 2
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